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Αποσυνδεδεμένος abc12

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Kataxenna Kova (fetish model)
« στις: Ιουνίου 05, 2012, 12:13:15 πμ »

Η Kataxenna Kamillia Kova είναι ένα διεθνούς φήμης Fetish/Glamour/Lingerie/Pin up μοντέλο από το Λονδίνο, 26 ετών.



λεπτομέρειες και αναλογίες:

Height:    5' 9"
Weight:    130 lbs
Bust:    32"
Waist:    23"
Hips:    39"
Cup:    DD
Dress:    8
Shoe:    0.0
Hair color:    Black
Hair length:    Long
Eye color:    Blue
Ethnicity:    Other
Skin color:    Olive
Shoot nudes:    No
Experience:    Very Experienced
Compensation:    Depends on Assignment
Genres:    Acting
Fit Modeling
Performance Artist
Promotional Modeling

συνέντευξη στο fixe magazine (συγγνώμη που δε μετέφρασα αλλά είναι πάρα πολλά):

Kataxenna Kamillia Kova Returns

by Cary
This is your second appearance in fIXE Magazine, what was the reaction the first time?

I had lots of positive feedback after the first round :) Interviews are great, as they give people some more insight into what you do and who you actually are. It can be so easy to make assumptions about people when just looking at their photos, but interviews like this really give us some idea about the person behind the images.

Classic pinup has become a huge phenomena lately, what about it first captured your interest?

Classic pinup has a wonderful authentic quality to it, that I think initially caught the interest of many people, who were so used to seeing the typical Playboy/glamour models of the 90s, and wanted something else, something a little less obvious. It is more the retro/cheesecake poses and outfits that I think most people enjoy about classic pinup photography. It is a dated style of work that comes in and out of fashion, and at the moment it's a look that the media is really pushing. I wouldn't personally say I've ever really gone for the retro pinup look myself, as I think it is best left to those who really love and have a passion for that era. You see so many models these days who look like Bettie Paige/Jayne Mansfield clones with the identical hair styles and makeup, and that's great, but it's a shame that these people can't find their own look. It is one think to be inspired or influenced by someone, but unless you are a Marilyn Monroe impersonator, why would you go out of your way to look just like her in every way?

You're someone who could obviously model in a number of other mediums, have you ever?

I try not to do anything that isn't really 'me.' So though I do model in several different genres, I try not to do anything that goes against what I believe in and have done everything from fitness to burlesque and from glamour to fashion. Though I'm tall, I'm not particularly built like a fashion model so never went too far in that direction. Even at my skinniest in my teens I was still quite curvy in my chest and bum regions, so that would have gone completely against what is expected of a fashion model, where the idea is to generally appear to be a hanger that displays the outfit and allows it to hang and show off the designer's work.

And what keeps you coming back to fetish modeling?

In fetish modeling, I can be myself and have a lot more freedom. The outfits are obviously also a huge bonus, as like I've mentioned before, I am a huge fan of the 'second skin quality' that latex has, and the way it clings to every curve. These days latex designers are also coming out with far more exciting, colourful and eccentric designs than they were, say 5 years ago, so trying on the outfits it is always something I look forward to doing as soon as I arrive at a shoot.

Are there any aspects of fetish modeling you don't enjoy?

I don't enjoy the warped view that some people have of latex. I have heard people put latex modeling and porn in the same category, and though yes, latex is a sexy material that is used for pleasure and seen in a sexual way, it is also something that has become more mainstream and is worn on stage by performers like Lady Gaga and Beyonce, as well as on the red carpet. There was a photo that I recall seeing of Kelly Brook, in a baby pink matte latex dress at a premiere of some sort, and she looked gorgeous. (I believe it was an Atsuko Kudo design with subtle lace detail). I think that shows that latex can be worn without looking slutty or over sexual.

Do you think fetishism and sex are intrinsically connected, or can they be separate?

The definition of 'fetish' is something that is desired to enhance sexual arousal, so straight away fetishism and sex will be connected. I don't believe that you can really have one without the other, as the very purpose of a fetish or a fetish model/item is to arouse sexual excitement. Whether it is something as simple as stockings or heels, or something a bit more complex and unusual, a fetish cannot exist without it's meaning and without being true to it's definition, or it is not a fetish.

What advice would you give to someone who is new to the scene?

Be yourself! Don't try to imitate anybody else. Of course do take inspiration, (we all have role models and idols), but then take whatever inspiration to require (or desire), and put your own stamp on it. Re-work it so that it works for YOU, and has your own personality all over it. Also, beware that it is a tough industry where you will have months where you are really busy, traveling/flying from country to country, followed by quiet months where you may have one or two shoots if that. It is why I always think it is important to have a back-up career. Modeling has a shelf life and you can't do it forever, so there will come a time when you have to rely on some other form of income. I would advise anyone who is modeling to study on the side. It's something that I'm glad I did when I first started out, and will continue to do while I'm young and still modeling. Bettering the mind is ALWAYS a good thing.

Are there any other creative mediums you work in?

I have worked on music on/off, but time is always a factor for me. If modeling is all somebody does, then they tend to have the time to dedicate to music and other creative outlets, but in my case I am trying to build another 'normal' career outside modeling and studying on top of that. It's a lifestyle choice that I have chosen to make myself, but believe that I will be grateful for it in the future. I am going to have time-out from studying this summer so intend to dedicate some decent time to working on music with my partner. On top of that I'm to learn to play drums and brushing up on my (not so great) guitar skills. Writing lyrics has always been another pas time of mine, and I hope they will see the light of day sometime in the near future :)

Read any good books lately?

I'm currently half way through a Christopher Hitchens' book called 'Letters to a Young Contrarian,' which I'm really enjoying. The best book that I've read lately has to be 'The Greatest Show on Earth' by Richard Dawkins. It's so easy to get lost in his writings, and being somebody who has a keen interest in biology (which I studied at university) and evolution, his books make absolutely fascinating reading.

What's your favorite movie?

That's a tough one. My favoritemovie of all time would probably have to either be be Mulholland Drive or Moulin Rouge. Though there are loads that I really like in different genres, so it all depends on my mood. I love horror classics like Hellraiser, The Omen and the Halloween films, as well as Tarantino films, a lot of Polanski's work and the odd old school classic like The Godfather.

Favorite quotes?

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Friedrich Nietzsche

And the following simple but sweet quote by Anaïs Nin- "I must be a mermaid. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living."

πηγή: http://www.fixemagazine.com/post.php?postid=2669



πηγή: http://www.modelmayhem.com/9855

Συνέντευξη στο www.modelbee.com

Where were you born, and how was life growing up?
Kataxenna Kova "I was born in North London and lived there throughout my entire childhood. Life had it's ups and downs, but I believe that I had an overall good upbringing."

What is your ethnicity?
Kataxenna Kova "Polish, Russian & Italian"

What would the average person say about you?
Kataxenna Kova "I have been told time and time again that I am nothing like people expect me to be. Modelling is only one aspect of my life, so I like to think that it doesn't define my personality like it does in a lot of other cases. I have no interest in shopping, hand bags, shoes etc."

What kind of stuff did you get into after high school?
Kataxenna Kova "After high school, I remained in education and was modelling whilst studying at university."

How did you get into modeling?
Kataxenna Kova "I was originally approached by an agency at the age of 15 but was far too obsessed with music and being in bands to want to model. I was also quite shy when it came to myself and the thought of posing in front of a camera filled me with dread. A couple of years later I was approached to do some glamour shots before moving into fitness modelling briefly. It was something that felt alien to me to start with, but the more modelling I did the more I enjoyed it, and before long I realized that I could use it as an outlet for my creativity. That was when I started fetish modelling and working as my own stylist, hair and makeup artist. I loved having full creative control, doing something I loved and making a living out of it!"

How long have you been modeling?
Kataxenna Kova "Since I was about 17. I remember feeling like it really wasn't my kind of thing, but look how things have changed!"

How did you feel about being in front of the camera for the first time?
Kataxenna Kova "Uncertain. I wasn't sure if it was really 'me.' I had been asked to do it and gave it a shot. After my first shoot I started getting more and more work coming through, so stuck at it and grew to really love it! Especially when I moved from fitness modelling to latex fashion!"

Kataxenna Kova

How did you feel walking into your photoshoot?
Kataxenna Kova "There were so many people there! The photographer, the wardrobe assistant, the makeup artist, the hair stylist. I remember feeling very self conscious that so many people were watching me as I posed."

So would you say you are comfortable in front of a camera now?
Kataxenna Kova "Definitely! Modelling is like second nature to me now."

Would you say that you are pretty comfortable with your body?
Kataxenna Kova "I am more so than I used to be. Like all women, I always have days where I feel slightly more anti-myself, but I am not as bad I used to be. I grew up hating my shape as all the girls I knew were skinny with flat backsides. This was back in the day when all the women on TV had no curves, so you can imagine how thankful I was when people with butts like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez came on the scene when I was a teenager. I suddenly started feeling comfortable with my shape, and realized that you didn’t have to be straight up and down to be sexy- you could have an hourglass shape and go in and out and I noticed that guys actually preferred that too."

What would you say is your best feature?
Kataxenna Kova "If I had to decide on my best physical feature I would probably say my lips as they are naturally full. Funnily enough I still get people writing to me asking me where I had my lips done and who did them etc. My Dad is my proof, it's all in the genes!"

What's the best thing about being a model?
Kataxenna Kova "The traveling is an amazing part of it. Being home in London one day and then being flown to an exotic location to shoot for a couple of days is always something I still consider to be pretty surreal and a fantastic part of my job! Also hearing from fans is always incredible. I have never had a particularly high opinion of myself, and am still really grateful and very flattered that people take the time to write to me about how much they like my work. It's really sweet and I never take that for granted."

What do you do differently to set yourself apart from other models?
Kataxenna Kova "I have worked in quite a few different genres of modelling, so I suppose the fact that I have crossed over in a lot of styles from fitness to fetish and glamour to fashion, is different to the majority of models. I also try to have as much artistic input as I can when it comes to shoots."

Where do you hope your modeling will take you?
Kataxenna Kova "I have reached a lot of my goals in modelling. An American Playboy cover would still be a bonus, but I am content with the features that I have had in the European issues :)"

Any highlights from your modeling career?
Kataxenna Kova "Shooting with some of my favorite photographers and being flown around the world."

Where can we find you on a typical weekend, if you aren't doing a photoshoot?
Kataxenna Kova "Exercising/working out, studying (I am currently studying Law), watching documentaries (I love science, nature and crime documentaries), going out with friends, seeing bands play and having 'me' time."

What keeps you busy away from modeling?
Kataxenna Kova "Studying definitely takes up a lot of my time, checking my modelling emails regarding upcoming shoots, family life and travel!"

Kataxenna Kova

What do you want to do outside of modeling?
Kataxenna Kova "I have always wanted to build a career outside of modelling, as I have always been modelling as very temporary thing. It has a shelf life, so I want to keep studying and working like I am at present. I know that I will be grateful in the future. On top of that I finally want to go back to working on music, but time is always a factor."

Five years from now, where do you see yourself?
Kataxenna Kova "Still modelling, working and playing in a band. I don't believe that I would have started a family yet. I think that would be too soon for me personally."

What is the coolest thing a fan has ever done for you?
Kataxenna Kova "It would be very hard to choose one thing! I have had some pretty incredible gifts sent to me, that I am always very flattered to receive- my favorite perfumes, outfits, books by authors who they have read that I like, CDs, paintings and artwork they have done of me. The sweetest things are the long fan emails and letters, where you can see that someone has clearly taken a lot of time out to write to you, and really loves and enjoys what you do- I always appreciate those."

Any photographers you enjoy working with or hope to work with?
Kataxenna Kova "It would be a dream come true to work with David Lachapelle. I have been a huge fan of his for years."

Which internet websites would you say you spend most of your time at?
Kataxenna Kova "I am not online that much, but most probably news wesbites, which is a bit geeky of me. YouTube too."

Do you travel much for your modeling?
Kataxenna Kova "Yes! Without a doubt! I have cut down on travel in recent months due to my working/studying as that is my priority at the moment, but I have traveled all over the world thanks to modelling, and it is a part of my job that I truly love!"

Do you like all the traveling?
Kataxenna Kova "Absolutely!"

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
Kataxenna Kova "I would love to visit Iceland. A beautiful country with so much natural beauty and so many fascinating geological attractions."

If you could play lead role in any type of movie, What kind of movie would it be?
Kataxenna Kova "Part of me wants to say the role of an old school, silver screen, hollywood movie queen, the other is leaning towards the role of a latex-clad superhero in a crime filled, horror/thriller."

Do you have a favorite Car?
Kataxenna Kova "I like huge, chunky, black 4X4 trucks :)"

Do you have a favorite drink when at clubs or bars
Kataxenna Kova "Jack Daniels and coke, or a glass of wine."

What is your favorite type of food?
Kataxenna Kova "I love Greek, Turkish and Moroccan food, and am always more than happy to try something new. I generally eat quite healthily, but always think that it is very important to enjoy food, and not deny yourself anything. If I fancy eating a rich dessert, or having a bit of a 'fat' day, I'll just make sure I work out a little bit more the next day. It's all about the simple energy balance equation of energy input vs energy output."

What kind of music are you listening to these days?
Kataxenna Kova "Everything from early New Orleans Blues, to jazz and metal. I used to primarily listen to rock and metal, but my tastes are far more varied now I'm in my mid-twenties."

Tell us something you got away with?
Kataxenna Kova "Oh I have got a way with a lot over the years! Some things are best kept secret ;)"

Which celebrity would you like to meet and why?
Kataxenna Kova "I would have loved to have met the writer Christopher Hitchens, before his passing just before Christmas last year. Other than that, it would have to be Stephen Fry as I think he would make one hell of a fascinating dinner guest! Endless conversation and debates! Also Stephen Hawking- one of the best minds alive today!"

Best pickup line you've ever heard?
Kataxenna Kova "I really cannot stand pickup lines, so that would be a tough one!"

Worst pickup line you've ever heard?
Kataxenna Kova "Soooo many! I can't actually think of any that don't make me cringe! Pickup lines are for men who do not have the wit, intellect or charm to seduce a woman themselves!"

If you could be a super hero, what would that superhero be like?
Kataxenna Kova "A sophisticated, sexy, skin-tight, latex-clad, heroine, who uses her mind as well as her physical strength, and fighting skills to combat enemies. in Fact I would much rather be villan...."

What the worst prank anyone has ever played on you?
Kataxenna Kova "Will have to get back to you on that one! People who know me, know that there is usually no point, as I tend to always be one step ahead on them ;)"

Find a lamp and out pops a Genie, you get one wish, what would it be?
Kataxenna Kova "It's a simple one, but I would love to be truly happy."

Kataxenna Kova

Are you single now?
Kataxenna Kova "I am currently in a new relationship :)"

Tell us about the person your with today?
Kataxenna Kova "So far I haven't seen anyone today, other than my dog, Kenzo, who I love to bits! He's a puggle (half pug, half beagle), and has the most incredible personality."

Give us the dirt on your dating life. Any first date rules?
Kataxenna Kova "Read up about Mr Darcy, and use him as your guide!"

How many kids in high school have asked you out?
Kataxenna Kova "A few, but I wasn't the popular girl everyone wanted to go out. I was always asked out by the guys that weren't my type at school! I liked the rockers, but because my look wasn't particularly 'rock' at school, they didn't ask me out!"

Should a person call right away or wait a few days?
Kataxenna Kova "Whenever feels right for the person! If I really click with a person, I wouldn't mind if he called the next day. I'm not really one to just hand out my number though."

What kind of guy bugs you?
Kataxenna Kova "I don't like arrogant men, big egos or rudeness. Manners are are important and are something that a lot of modern men lack."

What does a guy need to do to make you stay?
Kataxenna Kova "To be intelligent- I like to be mentally stimulated, to be smart, have a good sense of humor, to have his own mind and to challenge me."

What's the worst place to meet a guy?
Kataxenna Kova "A club is the worst possible place in my opinion. I like to get to know the guy, to see if there is a mental connection and we have things in common. In loud, alcohol fueled environment like a club you can't do that. It's ok to go hang out there afterwards though on a later date."

On a date... What does the person have to do to make it perfect for you?
Kataxenna Kova "Be himself! I do like old school gentleman-like manners."

Leather or lace?
Kataxenna Kova "Both! Leather on top with some sexy lace underneath for the bedroom ;)"

Do you have any dreams or goals you're shooting for?
Kataxenna Kova "A lot of my current dreams lie outside modelling."

Where can we expect to see you at in the future?
Kataxenna Kova "I have several projects coming up in America later on in the year. Follow me on my Twitter and Facebook pages for updates."

Do you have anything to say to your supporters and your future fans?
Kataxenna Kova "Thank you so much for the support over the years. I appreciate it and will continue to provide you with lots of bikini, fetish and glamour goodness!"

πηγή: http://modelbee.com/index.php/featured-models/item/kataxenna-kova

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« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Ιουνίου 05, 2012, 12:52:01 πμ από abc12 »

Αποσυνδεδεμένος abc12

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Απ: Kataxenna Kova (fetish model)
« Απάντηση #1 στις: Ιουνίου 05, 2012, 12:24:53 πμ »
μερικές φωτογραφίες ακόμη...


και μερικές ακόμα από το facebook της...


ξέχασα ν' αναφέρω ότι πολλές πληροφορίες και φωτογραφίες υπάρχουν και στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα της http://www.kataxenna.com/   :)

« Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Ιουνίου 05, 2012, 01:10:56 πμ από abc12 »

Αποσυνδεδεμένος fnjn

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Απ: Kataxenna Kova (fetish model)
« Απάντηση #2 στις: Ιουνίου 05, 2012, 12:34:06 πμ »
ωρε φιλε τι ειναι αυτο ρε  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:  δωσε και σωσε  :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
 :thumbsup1: :thumbsup1: :thumbsup1: :thumbsup1: :thumbsup1: :thumbsup1: :thumbsup1:
  closed do not disturb  ! ! !